Wednesday, May 11, 2016


  • list three things that are similar, list three things that are different (focus on the edits, not subject matter)
Same creature, same color scheme, same angle. New scuba guy, added eyes, added teeth.
  • What do you like better about your partner's project compared to your originals?
Gives a better story to the viewer.
  • Why?
Because instead of a basic animal it has a beast trying to eat someone. 
  • What do you think you did better?
My use of Photoshop and adding in new effects. 
  • Why?
The main project used only Illustrator.
  • What does your partner's project say about their style, their interests, and/or their preferences? 
It tells that they light a brighter and more simplistic style of art.
  • Why?
My style differs and it is clearly shown by the contrast in the work. 

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